Introduction Thailand is set to make significant changes to its property market policies, allowing greater foreign ownership of condominium units and extending lease periods. These reforms aim to boost foreign investment and stimulate economic growth.

Key Changes

  • Increased Foreign Ownership in Condominiums: The foreign ownership limit in condominium projects will be raised from 49% to 75%. This change is designed to attract more foreign investors, especially in the oversupplied low and moderately-priced condominium market.
  • Extended Lease Periods: Foreigners will soon be able to lease land for up to 99 years, an increase from the current maximum of 50 years. This change is expected to enhance investment confidence and viability.

Details of the Amendments

  • Condominium Act: The Interior Ministry has been tasked with amending the Condominium Act to increase the foreign ownership limit. Despite the increased ownership percentage, control over property developments will remain with Thai nationals, as foreigners purchasing up to 75% of units will not gain additional voting rights.
  • Land Act: Amendments to the Land Act will allow for a 99-year lease in a single contract. This change will provide long-term stability for foreign investors and make Thailand a more attractive destination for international investment.

Economic Impact The proposed changes are expected to stimulate Thailand’s real estate market, particularly the sluggish low and mid-priced segments. By making the property market more appealing to foreign investors, the government aims to promote economic activity and integration into the global market.

Conclusion Thailand’s commitment to economic growth is evident in these proposed property market reforms. By increasing foreign ownership limits and extending lease periods, Thailand is positioning itself as a prime destination for international investors. These changes promise to bring significant benefits to the Thai economy and create new opportunities within the property sector.

Stay updated on these significant changes in Thailand’s property market by visiting DanSiam Properties. Explore our listings and find the perfect investment opportunity in Thailand today.

